Ring of fire video

Country Music Roots
Country music came from the British Ilse back in the old days.This music also became entangled in other music like Africa and other immigrants from around the world.
Beginning of Country
Country records and radio came to life in the 1920s all over America.This is how Country stars were born.Because of this early radio barn dancing became a huge success and country entertainers benefited from this.Early Country performers like Jimmy Rogers and Carter family struck gold with their music in this genre.
Another bit of Country history
Country music is one of the best selling genres after Rock and Roll and Pop.The fiddle or violin was most common in this type of music in the early years , because it was in expensive and easy to carry around.Electric guitars only saw the light in the 50s , but had a good impact on this kind of music.
List of top 3 Greatest country songs
Highwaymen video clip
1. Ring of fire

Johnny Cash
2 Sweet Dreams
Patsy Cline

3. Mama Tried
Merle Haggard
Biography of a few county music legends
Willie Nelson was born in Abbot Texas near the Country side.Willies first music experience came at the age of 6 when he got his first guitar , this would be his instrument of choice to play his favourite music , country.He was fascinated with Big band country "Texas Stile " and loved Frank Sinatra.His first playing concert at the tender age of ten this was his first paid gig as well.In High school he worked for a radio station playing his favourite songs.Wille later on moved to Nashville to live his American dream playing his guitar and singing his music.

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